二级学院关闭- 1月9日星期日. 14

由于恶劣的天气,星期日,一月. 14、所有学分课程将遵循远程学习连续性计划. 所有非学分课程和活动取消. 所有OPE电子竞技官网校园和地点都将关闭.


Q. 什么被认为是目录信息?

Directory information means information contained in an educational record of a student that would 不 generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. 目录信息可能包括, 但不限于, 学生的名字, address, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 照片, 出生日期和地点, 主修领域, 年级水平, 注册状态(e).g., 本科生或研究生, 全职或兼职), 出席日期, 参加官方认可的活动或体育运动, 运动员的体重和身高, 度, 获得的荣誉和奖励以及最近参加的教育机构或机构. An institution is entitled to determine what 目录 information it will release and what 目录 information it will 不 release according to its own policies. 学生可以书面要求学校保留他们所有的目录信息.

Q. 什么时候被认为是世纪挑战的“学生”?

学生, 除非适用的法律或法规另有明确规定, means any individual who is or has been in attendance at an educational agency or institution and regarding whom the agency or institution maintains educational records.


双录取学生: OPE电子竞技官网必须像对待其他OPE电子竞技官网学生一样对待学生的高等教育记录, 他/她的记录只能在FERPA准则允许的情况下提供给父母. Educational records relating solely to the students’ K-12 activities can be released to parents without the student’s consent (as long as the student is 17 years of age or younger).

根据教育部的说法, “If a student is attending a postsecondary institution—at any age—the rights under FERPA have transferred to the student. 然而, 在一种情况下,一个学生在高中和高等教育机构注册, 两所学校可能交换有关该学生的信息. 如果学生未满18岁, the parents still retain the rights under FERPA at the high school and may inspect and review any records sent by the postsecondary institution to the high school.“所有此类请求应直接提交给参与的高中,而不是学院.

Q. 学生可以口头允许家长查看他们的记录吗?

No, 为了让家长能够访问学生的记录或代表学生进行任何交易, 签名 授权发布学生信息表格 必须在学院存档,或者学生必须符合34c.F.R. §99.31和许可说明必须添加到学生的电子记录在OPE电子竞技官网的数据库.

Q. 如果一个人说他/她是学生的家长,他/她能得到什么信息呢? 家长需要出示什么样的证明或身份证件呢?

Unless the student has submitted the 授权发布学生信息表格 giving written permission for his/her parent to access his/her educational records or they meet the requirements of 34 C.F.R. §99.学院不能向该个人发布非目录信息. 一旦提交并在系统中标注了学生信息发布授权表, 如果家长亲自要求提供信息,则需要出示带照片的身份证.

Q. 教员怎么知道谁签了弃权书?

教师可以在同事中查看CRI屏幕上的信息. 如果他们无法访问它, 他们可以联系学术助理, 奥马哈堡校区的学生服务或职业和学术技能中心(CASC)寻求帮助. 教师, 或其他学院雇员, should never provide protected information to anyone other than the student without first verifying that a release is on file and that the person requesting the information is named or referenced by class (parents, 医生, 社会工作者, 律师, 等)在发布.

Q. 提供口头和书面信息是否有单独的豁免?

No, OPE电子竞技官网使用授权发布学生信息表格提供口头和书面信息.


所有来自学生或授权个人的查询(在CRI中已注明信息的发布), 确保你问了学生的出生地点和他们的社会安全号的最后四位或者他们的学生证. 在发布任何受保护的信息之前,我们需要确认来电者的身份.

如果不是学生打来电话, 记下呼叫者(被授权的个人)的姓名以及在STRK中验证的内容.


根据OPE电子竞技官网的电子邮件政策,所有的电子邮件通信必须通过OPE电子竞技官网的电子邮件帐户. 如果你正在和一个学生交流, 学生必须使用OPE电子竞技官网的电子邮件帐户与OPE电子竞技官网联系. 学生s who use their OPE电子竞技官网 email account have already confirmed and validated their identity since they must have their username and password to access it and may inquiry about their record via email.

有关更多信息,请参阅大学使用学生电子邮件: 学生的电子邮件.

Since authorized individuals must confirm their identify by providing the student’s date of birth and the last four of their SSN or their student id, 我们要求您通过电话跟进,而不是通过电子邮件讨论受保护的信息. 我们不希望通过在电子邮件中询问学生的社会安全号码而可能危及学生的安全. 完成后,请在STRK中记录被授权人员的姓名和呼叫的性质.


如果学生要求提供受保护的信息(非正式成绩单、课程表等).),确保他/她出示附有照片的身份证,并确认他/她的身份. 如果被授权的个人询问学生的信息, make sure to confirm with that person the student’s Date of Birth and the last four of their SSN or their student ID.

如果学生以外的人要求提供受保护的信息, 注明获授权人士的姓名及在STRK中核实的内容.

所有查询, 如果被授权人不知道学生SSN的最后四位, then you may ask other questions (such as the student’s class schedule or their home address) that may confirm that he/she does have a legitimate right to the student’s record.

Q. 将已评分的试卷留给学生领取的政策是什么? 文件装在密封的信封里,外面有名字可以吗? 教职员接待员怎么知道谁在拿卷子?

Graded papers should 不 be left unattended as the student’s rights may be violated if someone picked up the wrong envelope and viewed its contents.

Q. 学生在交换论文中互相批改和评分的政策是什么?


Q. 通过学生的个人电子邮件帐户与学生进行大学业务是否违反FERPA.e. jsmith@yahoo.com)?

这取决于. 当发送电子邮件到学生的个人电子邮件帐户时,没有保密保证. 所有在校生, credit students have a college provided email account which must be used by staff and faculty when conducting college business via email. 署长可批准例外情况, IT网络服务部或总监, Manager of Information Services upon written request and authorization from the student and the appropriate College official. The written request and authorization must be placed and maintained in the student’s official College file in the Department of Records.

Q. 我可以把成绩用电子邮件发给我的学生吗?

这取决于. 根据OPE电子竞技官网的FERPA政策, email is an acceptable method of 不ifying a student of his or her grade but only if the institutional email account is used to send and receive the grade. 例如, an instructor needs to use his/her OPE电子竞技官网 email address to send the grade to the student at the student’s OPE电子竞技官网 email address.

Q. 我可以通过电话给你评分吗?

It is 不 advisable to give a grade over the phone unless you can be absolutely be sure that it is indeed the student or a不her authorized recipient on the other end of the line.

Q. 世纪挑战集团是否必须与第三方共享信息?

这取决于. An institution is required to release protected educational information to certain third parties in certain prescribed circumstances pursuant to 34 C.F.R. §99.31.

Q. 谁有权查看学生的学习成绩?

事先同意的条件 要求披露受保护的教育信息的规定载于 34 C.F.R. §99.31.


如果情况紧急,并对公众的安全和健康构成威胁, OPE电子竞技官网社区或学生, FERPA allows OPE电子竞技官网 officials to release protected educational information to appropriate individuals based on the circumstances (such as law enforcement officials, 受过医学训练的人员和公共卫生官员).

Q. 我是一名教职员工,受邀为一个学生成功会议致欢迎辞. 我想在我的演讲中提到一位成功的学生. 我是否需要先获得他/她的许可?

这取决于. 为了保护学生的FERPA权利, you would need to get his/her written permission if your presentation mentions any non目录 information related to that student, 比如GPA或学历.

Q. 另一个机构的员工打电话来询问他/她在世纪挑战集团就读的女儿的情况. 我们可以向他/她透露任何信息吗?

不,学生的受教育权利仍然必须受到保护. 我们可以释放 目录 information to the parent; otherwise, the student needs to submit a written authorization to release non目录 给家长的信息.

Q. A law enforcement officer is looking for a student to serve a warrant and is asking for the student’s class schedule. 我可以提供给他/她吗?

No, college policy is that all such requests are to be immediately directed to the Chief or Deputy Chief of the College Police Department. 根据FERPA, non-目录 information can only be provided to a law enforcement officer if they present a lawfully issued subpoena or court order. 否则,他/她不能访问学生的教育记录. Records maintained by the College’s Police Department are 不 a part of a student’s educational record and may be shared without prior authorization.

Q. 学生如已去世,是否适用FERPA?

不,学生在FERPA下的权利在学生死亡后即告终止. Each institution may implement its own policy regarding the release of protected information regarding a deceased student. 由法院指定为遗嘱执行人的个人, 女遗嘱执行人, personal representative or who have been granted similar standing in relation to the decedent’s estate may have the same access to the deceased student’s protected educational information as the student would have had.

Q. 违反FERPA的后果是什么?

An individual who believes that their rights under FERPA have been violated may file a complaint with the United States Department of Education.